So as it stands, this blog will end December 31st, 2009. No worries, a brand new year-long blog will promptly start up in the new year. Being that this blog was created in April is kind of a hinderance in it's own regard. I'd like to create a legitimate year long site, that lasts the duration of one calendar year, starting in January and ending in December, which will start up in about 4 months. The idea to keep this 'journal' of albums I buy has been great. A special thanks to those of you who actually keep up and heed my opinions. That being said, this isn't for anyone. This if for me. I enjoy the time I spend doing this, it is relaxing and makes me think...and coincidentally it makes me learn, which is the goal of anything anyone does. This is my way of expanding and refining my musical taste, with the doors open to those that wish to read and comment.
I've officially reached the halfway mark and want to provide an updated 'to the minute' list of the albums I've bought. Everything is based on a 1-10 scale, with 10 being the highest. I've also included some records that I've bought on the side that have truly been influential to me, and deserve mentioning.
2 0 0 9 r e l e a s e s
Artist (Album) - Rating
1.) Grizzly Bear (Veckatimest) - 10
2.) Mos Def (The Ecstatic) - 10
3.) Sa-Ra Creative Partners (Nuclear Evolution: The Age of Love) - 10
4.) Dirty Projectors (Bitte Orca) - 9.5
5.) Eliot Lipp (Peace Love Weed 3D) - 9.5
6.) Passion Pit (Manners) - 9.5
7.) Black Joe Lewis & The Honey Bears (Tell Em What Your Name Is!) - 9.5
8.) Phoenix (Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix) - 9
9.) Cage the Elephant (Cage the Elephant) - 9
10.) STS9 (NYE.ATL.08) - 9
11.) Medeski, Martin & Wood (Radiolarians III) - 8
12.) Fruit Bats (The Ruminant Band) - 7.5
13.) Black Eyed Peas (The E.N.D.) - 7.5
14.) Chester French (Love the Future) - 7
15.) Papercuts (You Can Have What You Want) - 6.5
16.) Dave Matthews Band (Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King) - 6.5
17.) Eminem (Relapse) - 6
18.) Iglu & Hartly (& Then Boom) - 5.5
19.) Dead Weather (Horehound) - 4.5
As you can see, these 19 records really traverse the spectrum of music. There is everything from folk to jazz to hip hop to electronic to rock to blues. As per my iPod, I would probably have offered Eminem and Dead Weather lower ratings...I really have only had the patience to listen to them each a handful of times and am constantly disappointed. I would also raise Chester French a bit higher than they were ranked. Despite their wackiness and lack of an identity, I'm constantly listening to their album.
Here are a few records that I've bought either before this blog or which were released before 2009:
Animal Collective (Merriweather Post Pavilion, 2009) - this is my hands down best album of the year. This was released in January of 2009 (pre-blog) and I have listened to it every day. I feel like it is an offshoot of my body and of my mind. Animal Collective is the Beach Boys if they were done by kids from Brooklyn on their computers. Loops and effects are filled throughout this record, in a way that actually sounds like a band. When I first found out that they were actually three guys using keyboards, synths and computers I was shocked. The lyrics and harmonies are second to none. I've been able to see them this year and their live show is even better than their recordings. Truly amazing. If you don't have this album, you really need to buy it. I live my life by the song, 'My Girls.'
Panda Bear (Person Pitch, 2007) - no surprise here, Panda Bear is a founding member of Animal Collective and showcases his importance to the band. Person Pitch is much more downtempo and the lyrics are even better than Animal Collective. The recording, once again, is all computer generated, yet filled with harmonies and great, yet subtle vocals. This record was released in 2007 and I'm disappointed I hadn't really heard of him until about 4 months ago. Person Pitch is definitely another 'must buy.' If you have the chance, take a night and listen to this record in it's entirety, read along with the lyrics, have a glass of wine and think about life. You'll be reborn.
Brett Dennen (Hope for the Hopeless, 2008) - I saw Brett Dennen at Mountain Jam this summer and he was the only act that I enjoyed. He is this doofy looking huge red-headed beast (see also Matt Kurz) that just exudes love and revolution through his guitar. His songs are all entirely about either life, love or rebellion against the government. Your typical romantic hippie. He has a strangely unique voice that can really grow on you and his songwriting skills are second to none.
Flying Lotus (Los Angeles, 2008) - he is what many describe as the best DJ of our time. And no, it's not DJ Khaled or DJ Felli Fel or even DJ Skribble from MTV (anyone?). He is a true, legitimate DJ. Los Angeles is a collection of sounds, samples, original compositions, effects, beats and synth all jumbled up into a beautiful masterpiece. There is a way in which his songs and beats are other-worldly and extremely playful, yet also thought-provoking at the same time. It's like each track is a brain puzzle for both him and the listener to solve. His textures and knowing what to play and when to play it is dead-on. The New Yorker thinks so as well.
Lotus (Nomad, 2005) - no, this isn't another DJ. Lotus is a four piece electronic jam band that I've become infatuated with this year. Seeing them live only made the obsession worse. I love minimalist music. Beats, jams and grooves that are all to the point without becoming redundant or crowded. Nomad is just this. Complete with smooth guitar solos, electronic sampling and some amazing bass riffs, this album is non-stop electronica bliss. At points this record will make you want to dance, while at other points you'll want to simply sit down with a drink and chill out. The perfect mix of energy and relaxation.
Delta Spirit (Ode to Sunshine, 2008) - a terrific blend of southern rock, mixed with some folk, all done with an indie feel. Delta Spirit came to be a part of the Cherry Lane family this year and I quickly wrote them off, assuming they were some C-level talent. I'm sorry. This record is simply put, amazing. Ode to Sunshine runs the gamut of emotions and moods with fiery lyrics and a very raw sound. Imagine Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes, but not so sad and a bit more polished. I witnessed Delta Spirit open for, and out-perform The Shins about a year ago. This is a testament to their future success and potential. Definitely give them a listen and look out for them in 2010.
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